I.D.F Conference
July 18th 2014
Capitol Hill, Rayburn House Office
Gold Room (2168)
Washington, D.C.
On Monday, July 28, the Iranian Democracy Front (IDF) hosted a conference addressing Human Rights violations in Iran where citizens are being brutally persecuted by the reigning mullah regime while the USG and five other powers are engaged in nuclear proliferation issues with Iran.
International human rights, ideals and laws should neither be compromised nor ignored to afford an easing of US, EU and UN pressure on the Islamic republic while the regime still engages in relentless human rights violations and international terrorism.
The IDF hosted eminent Americans, pre-eminent Iranian-American and Iranian dissidents from around the world who will make brief presentations on the systemic human rights violations by the Islamic republic.
Speakers include a US. Congressman, US Rear Admiral, former Iranian government minister and professors from California State LA University, University of Glasgow, and the University of Munich, Germany.
Topics include:
Nuclear negotiations with human rights abuses in Iran;
Conflict between humanism and interests;
Violations of basic human rights of tribes;
What the world can do to correct the situation.
The IDF wishes to see a true democratically elected government in Iran and one that is not ruled by a despotic Islamic republic that does not respect human rights and encourages and supports terrorism around the world as the present regime does.
The common be liefs of the IDF are to:
(1) restore sovereignty to the Iranian people, by eliminating the current criminal regime
(2) protect the territorial integrity of Iran
(3) separate religion and state in a legitimate government
(4) establish free and fair elections after the regime is eliminated
(5) ensure a Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(6) and above all, become a respected ally of democratic countries
Congressman Ed Royce
U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R) serves California's 39th Congressional District, based in Orange, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties.
For the 114th Congress, Ed Royce was selected to be Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Ed Royce has served on the Committee since entering Congress in 1993. Immediately prior to becoming Chairman of the Committee, Royce served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade and a member of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.
As a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, Ed Royce sits on two Subcommittees: Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises, and Insurance and Housing.
Dr. Assadollah Nasre Esfahani
Dr. Assdollah Nasre Esfahani is the spokesman of the Iranian Democracy Front. He was Iran’s Minister of the Interior, Governor of Fars Province, and Governor of Kerman Province. He was a professor at Tehran University, where he taught economic planning and macroeconomics.
Dr. Reza Taghizadeh
Dr. Reza Taghizadeh is an adviser of the Iranian Democracy Front. He is an international consultant for energy companies. He is a contributor to several news programs, and he is a political analyst specializing in Middle East issues. He obtained a PhD in international relations from the University of Glasgow.
Dr. Nosrat Vahedi
Dr. Nosrat Vahedi is an adviser of the Iranian Solidarity Congress (ISC is a member of the Iranian Democracy Front). He was a professor at Munich University, Germany. He also taught at Tehran University. He is the founder of Pars College in Tehran, Iran and Dean of its Physics Department. Dr. Vahedi is a physicist and mathematician.
Dr. Akbar Torbat Esfahani
Dr. Akbar Torbat Esfahani earned a Master of Science degree from Tehran Polytechnic (Amir Kabir University of Technology), a second Master of Science degree in industrial engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, a Master of Arts degree and a Ph.D. in Political Economy from the University of Texas at Dallas. His field of specialization is international political economy. He has taught at the University of California – Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, and several campuses of California State University. At present he teaches at California State University, Los Angeles.
Admiral Donald P. Loren
Rear Admiral Loren graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1974, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree (Operations Research). Rear Adm. Loren commanded USS Elrod (FFG 55) and Destroyer Squadron Twenty-Eight. Rear Adm. Loren's ashore tours include one year of independent study at Old Dominion University where he was awarded a Master of Science degree (Education); Flag Secretary to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe; NATO politico-military planner for the Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate of the Joint Staff; Doctrine Development Officer of the staff of the Commander, Naval Doctrine Command; and one year as a Federal Executive Fellow at the Harvard University Center for International Affairs. He is also a graduate of the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government National Security Fellows Executive Program, the U.S.-Russia Security Program, and the Senior Executives in National and International Security Program; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for International Studies Seminar XXI program in Foreign Politics, International Relations, and the National Interest; the Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship, National Security Studies Leadership program, and the NATO Defense College General/Flag Officer course.
The Honorable Bijan R. Kian
Hon. Kian is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of GreenZone Systems, an advanced technology firm based in Washington DC. He has also served as a Senior Advisor to Gallup since 2011. Mr. Kian was a member of the board of directors and Chairman of The Audit Committee of the Export Import Bank of The United States and a member of the White House Business Council. He was appointed as a Senior Fellow for Global Public Policy at the United States Naval Postgraduate School. He served in that position from June 2011 to July 2013 where he focused on broad based interdisciplinary research informed education programs investigating the interaction of globalization and the United States national security, in support of the United States National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy, the National Strategy for Homeland Defense, and the Navy’s Maritime Strategy.
Mr. Kian is a former director of foreign investment for the State of California where he led the attraction, retention and expansion of California’s $92 billion in foreign investment from 1995 to 1997. He also served twice as Commissioner of Economic Development for the State of California from 1993 to 1995 and a member of the Board of Directors of California’s Housing Finance Agency in 1999.
With over four decades of service in public and private sectors as well as academia, Mr. Kian is a 2009 recipient of Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
Mr. Kian is a graduate of the University of Brighton in Sussex England, and has continued his education in epistemology and philosophy at Oxford as well as national and international security at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.